Gary Swing Complaint

Complaint Re: Gary Swing to Colorado SoS Griswold

Madam Secretary Griswold,

With extreme reluctance, and after many rudely-rebuffed attempts to reconcile with the target of this complaint and his multitude of accomplices, I, Bill Hammons, as the founder and first chair of the Unity Party of Colorado, hereby submit a complaint regarding UPC Secretary Gary Swing’s use of the website, and accordingly ask that you grant Mr. Swing and his knowing enablers the same measure of mercy that they’ve shown the founder of the Unity Party, their ongoing source of inspiration: none.

To wit: the website, which is linked to from your official list of Colorado political parties (  as the official Unity Party of Colorado site, has no disclaimer as to who’s actually paying for the website (per your own guidelines: “The following are examples of the types of communications covered by disclaimer statement requirements … Communications that appear on a website …”). Yes, Messrs. Swing and Bodenstab (apparently back when he was still with the Unity Party) have thrown a word salad onto a mess of a website, but nowhere is it actually stated who’s paying for the UPC’s one apparent communication.

The other, larger issue (which you no doubt have already noticed) is that Messrs. Swing, Bodenstab, Cole & CoCo (Co-Conspirators) apparently thought it would be a good idea, as if they haven’t created a big enough mess as it is, to try to use the same website to communicate the idea of the so-called “American Unity Party,” a jingoistic and plagiaristic national fantasy of a party that is being illegally pushed via a website perhaps paid for the United Colorado Committee (though even that angle is legally ill-defined). The fact that the “platform” posted on the home page, in clear violation of my copyright as an American citizen, has nationalistic language and yet mentions “Colorado” three times is a perhaps-revealing window into the collective addled mind of these three gents.

Madam Secretary, with respect, the word on the street before I left Colorado for my ancestral state of Texas and then my birth city of Bad Kreuznach, Germany to conveniently escape the coming Reich (more about that in a moment) is that you regard the position of Secretary of State as partisan, as a device to promote the agenda of the Democratic Party of the United States, against a GOP that you, understandably, regard as a threat to democracy. A bit of Herr Bismarck’s realpolitik here: setting aside the increasingly obtuse verbiage on the website (the wording of the your calendar became a real flashpoint when dealing with the Cornel West campaign [his seasoned ballot-access coordinator managed to do an end-run around me to secure an extremist takeover of the UPC with Mr. Swing playing the Quisling], and now I see no calendar at all; there’s still a link to “results and data,” but long-gone are the nifty PDFs that clearly laid out for the average citizen [e.g., me] each party’s voter registration numbers [the last time I tried to download one of those spreadsheets, it broke my Internet connection; perhaps you could tell me how many 1000s of official voters the UPC now has, Mr. Bodenstab’s full-bore Mazes and Monsters episode ( notwithstanding?]).

Moving on to the national angle of all of this: those interested in enforcing justice and the rule of law would naturally want to refer the “American Unity Party” aspect of this problematic website to the Federal Election Commission. One problem with that is that the FEC itself, is now, of course, highly problematic in its nature. As you are no doubt only too aware, Chair Weintraub has, as of last week, been illegally prevented from fulfilling her duties and ostensibly “fired” from her position by President Trump.

To the national point: the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America, in a first effort to maintain the continuity of democracy (, will defer to Chair Weintraub on all federal campaign finance matters (by all means, if you happen to have a direct method of communication with her, please pass this letter on; I once communicated with her directly regarding a UNC matter before the FEC, but word is her FEC email is no longer functional, and her Bluesky announcement of Trump’s shenanigan has garnered 7,000 comments, 30,000 reshares and over 150,000 likes on that still-nascent platform, but I just saw that a recent post of hers might allow me to get her attention with a timely reply).

Madam Secretary, to wrap all of this up, please do the right thing for both Democracy and your Democratic Party and stick it to a Communist who, if we ever have a democratic election again, would only take more votes from your Democratic candidates. I think it’s very telling that Mr. Swing chose to, after seeing a recent press release of mine announcing our own Unity Party of Colorado convention (in April), schedule his own “convention” of one one day after Judge Cole’s current term as state chair expires (word is that Mr. Bodenstab has wandered off into his own private maze under the spell of the Maze Master Jim Dub, and it would not surprise me if Judge Cole has completely given up on trying to fulfill his duties [it might’ve helped if he had asked for my help beyond gaming the system to obtain the chairmanship before forgetting that I am, first and foremost, a simple human being who deserves at least a modicum of respect]).

(For what it’s worth, note that Judge Cole will quite soon be referred to the Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel; I know for a fact that a federal judge freelancing as a falsely-objective arbiter is illegal, and Judge Cole’s behavior these last few years, throwing red meat to morons more than ready to justify their darkest impulses, makes for a case study in why such disingenuous behavior should be illegal at all state levels.)

Forward UP,

Bill Hammons

Co-Founder, Unity Party of America

Chairman, United National Committee

Senior Texas Representative, United National Committee

2024 Unity Party Nominee for President of the United States

Header Photo Credit: W.R. Hammons