Federal Election Commission
Rules and Regulations Relevant to the Hammons for US President Campaign
Per the Federal Election Commission’s official website fec.gov:
A campaign must get a bank account (and therefore an FEIN).
A person running for federal office must register and file financial reports once they raise or spend more than $5,000.00.
The name of a federal campaign must include the name of the candidate, but apparently not the complete name (e.g. “Team Kennedy”). Therefore, the name of this committee is the “Hammons is Running for All of US Committee.”
A federal candidate committee can contribute up to $2,000.00 to another federal candidate committee.
In addition, a federal candidate committee (i.e., the Hammons is Running for All of US Committee) may make unlimited transfers to a party committee (i.e., the United National Committee), a point which is also interated on this page of the Federal Election Commission website (“Transfers to Party Committee” section at bottom of page).
The unlimited transfers principle applies to in-kind contributions (“Payments … of committee bills”)
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