The Confederacy of Dunces

The Confederacy of Dunces

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift

(If you’re looking for Bill Hammons’s suggestion for a “Suggestion of Confederation,” click left.)

It’s very doubtful that any one Uniter is a “true genius” (the Uniter typing out these words requires a hefty dose of caffeine any given morning to be verbal in English, much less the German language he’s trying to learn), but, together, united, working in harmony while acknowledging our inevitable and healthy diversity of opinions and worldviews with lively and passionate debates, we Uniters can achieve true greatness to make a better world.

Below are individuals, known personally and/or publicly by the founder the Unity Party, who have engaged in unprovoked personal attacks, made threats of physical violence (and confessed to same before more insults), virtually certainly posted pornographic filth in official United National Committee online forums, attempted to hack Uniter websites, acted in bad faith and/or spewed lies and falsehoods that helped bring down the Republic.

By all means click on any link to learn more. That said, all Uniters and aspiring Uniters should be warned that they are not to have contact of any sort with these individuals (at least if they want a future in the Unity Party). Please note that, as of this writing, Bill Hammons is back in his birth city of Bad Kreuznach, Germany, German law provides stiff penalties for insulting someone, especially online, and the penalties (including sizable fines, the confiscation of electronic devices including laptops and phones, and possibily even jail time), extend to anyone who reposts and/or otherwise shares messages they know to be insulting, defamatory and/or menacing.

To keep yourself on the safe side of the law in one of the last bastions of global demoracy (at least as of immediately after the Bundestag elections of 2025), it’s advised that you avoid contact with these individuals, even if they reach out to you. That said, note that, if you have been active in Unity Party circles over the last few years, you might be contacted by prosecutors in the German state of Rheinland-Pfalz regarding the online behavior of Eric Bodenstab (who’s already been reported to the Texas/US authorities) and particulary Gary Swing, who quite unwisely posted on Facebook that “Bill Hammons lives in Germany and is a fraud.” Not smart.

(L) 2020 Unity Party VP Nominee Eric Bodenstab / (R) US Vice President JD Vance

  1. Eric Bodenstab

  2. TV News Anchor Kyle Clark

  3. Judge TJ Cole

  4. Critter Milton

  5. Jesse Parris

  6. Gary Swing

  7. James Wiest

  8. Tim Wolf

Header Photo Credit: Francisco de Goya - Escena de Inquisición (Public Domain)