Hearts of Iron 4
The Portrayal of the Unity Party’s Bill Hammons
Portrayal of UPA Founder in the Hearts of Iron IV Video Game Red World Mod
Why is Unity Party founder Bill Hammons portrayed as the leader of the Midwest Union in the HOI 4 Red World Mod, competing and/or working in a post-United States America with Chris Christie, General Wesley Clark, Bill Clinton, John Hickenlooper, Mike Pompeo, Hillary Rodham (Clinton), Marco Rubio, Mark Udall and the like?
You would probably have to pose that question to Kaiser1871, the original creator of the Red World mod of Hearts of Iron IV, but unfortuantely he passed away in 2019. Just note here the notable fact that the above video alone (and only God knows how many of these watch-me-play HOI4 Red World Midwest Union videos are out there on YouTube) has nearly 30,000 views and counting …
Highlights from the above video:
0:25 “Our leader [Bill Hammons] looks like a potato”
2:05 “Bill Clinton and the leadership decided that Hammons had to go”
2:35 The Unity Party is mentioned
3:20 “Hillary Rodham said that ‘Hammons …’”
3:30 The Unity Party is mentioned again (and in a bit more detail)
Here’s a comment I posted on the video in April 2024: Hello from the "Potato." Saw on Discord this morning that dev of RW is being discontinued, and I'm guessing Fatherland will most likely not include Yours Truly hh. Here's the real-world campaign site of the star of the first few minutes (it's a small-world real world: I do indeed have a few ties to Germany [one reason why Kaiser1871 did what he did?]): https://www.billisrunning.com. Cheers
One final thing: Yes, you might’ve noticed that this page is quite similar (not identical, but with several tweaks plus additional content, such as this very paragraph) to the relevant pages on my SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert website as well as the Unity Party of America (United National Committee) website.
By all means contact me through my SEO professional website if you’d like to find out why exactly this is so …