A Suggestion of Confederation
A Suggestion of Confederation
(If you’re looking for the Uniter Bill Hammons “Confederacy of Dunces” list, click left.)
The below is merely a suggestion for a suggestion, written by the founder and (at least as of the creation of this page) once-again chairman of a party that happens to have the title of “Unity Party,” two words of English each coined nearly 700 years ago and only recently combined in a meaningful and effective way. Perhaps only the “Unity Party” [and the commonsense Unity Party platform] can appeal to voters across cultures and continents now ready to take the American bull [in a China shop?] by the horns and embrace the inevitable future).
We shall see what the future holds. At present, the same party chair (and author) will be reaching out to more world leaders and/or their staffs to suggest that they consider all of the logical inevitabliities the world is now faced with and thus embrace dramatic change before the decade is out. (Dramatic changes are now upon us and only gathering steam; today it is only a question of whether the true [moral] leaders of the world will have the bravery to ensure that our New World is something all humankind will be proud of for generations to come.)
To the collective Members of the Congress of the United States of America:
Dear Senators and Representatives,
In light of the United States of America’s increasing unsolicited interference in the internal affairs of the undersigned sovereign nations of the world, the increasing reluctance of the same United States to protect any nation not within its borders from unprovoked aggression, the increasing threats of renewed economic barriers that can only hamper and harm national economies, and the increasingly-evident reality that a globalizing world requires the coordination and cooperation that only a federal government can provide its individual states, the same undersigned nations hereby suggest that the collective Congress of the United States, per Article IV, Section 3 of the US Constitution, admit the undersigned nations as individual, and appropriate additional, fully legal American states into the Union, with all the commensurate duties and privileges, at 12 noon Presidential Inauguration Day next, concurrent with the beginning of the next term of the President of the United States, and only after the same undersigned nations have been allowed to participate in the election of the said President as well as the Congress, on a basis equal with that of the current 50 States.
Be advised that the undersigned nations shall require a Confederation Commission consisting of two representatives from the one current United States and two representatives from each of the undersigned nations to monitor and certify the first joint and all following federal elections as free, fair, unbiased and lawful. If the first joint federal election is not certified as such by the Commission, the undersigned nations agree to form their own national Confederation modeling, yet excluding, the United States of America, upon the subsequent approval of four-fifths of undersigned nations.
Be additionally advised that a strict Originalist reading of America’s founding document, specifically the aforementioned Article IV, Section 3, clearly indicates that the admission of new States, while a process that has historically involved the involvement of the executive Power, does not require the executive Power, with the advice and consent of the Executive appreciated as a means of establishing and maintaining democratic order.
Be also additionally advised that each undersigned nation requires entitlement to the same number of representatives per population currently enjoyed by each current United State, per the last census, with a recommendation that the resulting enlargement of the House of Representatives be put on a perpetually expanding basis going forward.
With hope for the future of Liberty, Prosperity, Security and Tranquility throughout the future truly United States, the undersigned nations await a timely and constructive reply.
[Suggested Signatories elow; more to be added to the list until the full Restoration of the Republic]
The Dominion of Canada
The Kingdom of Denmark
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Territory of Greenland
The United Mexican States
The State of Palestine
The Republic of Panama
The Province of Quebec
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Header Photo Credit: Scott Kelly / NASA (Public Domain)